iPhone deflects bullet saving his life while on phone with girl of his dreams Girl of his dreams is the one who shot him

iPhone deflects bullet saving his life while on phone with girl of his dreams Girl of his dreams is the one who shot him - iPhone deflects bullet saving his life while on phone with girl of his dreams Girl of his dreams is the one who shot him  Bad Luck Brian


confesses to murder on his death bed makes a miraculous recovery

confesses to murder on his death bed makes a miraculous recovery

teacher asks "who would do such a horrible thing to a woman?" and turns around to look at the class Had hand raised to ask a question

teacher asks

Has a Pet rock it runs away

Has a Pet rock it runs away

Uses dating website after divorce and finds 100% match is ex-wife

Uses dating website after divorce and finds 100% match is ex-wife

Checks behind shower curtain for murderer Finds one

Checks behind shower curtain for murderer Finds one

Walks extremely drunk girl home she forgets who he is, gets him arrested for attempted rape

Walks extremely drunk girl home she forgets who he is, gets him arrested for attempted rape

Spends all night studying Sleeps through exam

Spends all night studying Sleeps through exam

Gets invited to play a game saw

Gets invited to play a game saw

BUilds Girlfriend's confidence up so much she went out and found someone better

BUilds Girlfriend's confidence up so much she went out and found someone better

gets reincarnated as himself Caption 3 goes here

gets reincarnated as himself Caption 3 goes here
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