never throw dog poop at girls you like... never throw dog poop at girls you like...

never throw dog poop at girls you like... never throw dog poop at girls you like... - never throw dog poop at girls you like... never throw dog poop at girls you like...  Regretful Toddler


Did I really just call my teacher mom?

Did I really just call my teacher mom?

i can't believe i asked dora if i could explore her

i can't believe i asked dora if i could explore her

Can't believe I actually thought my nose was missing

Can't believe I actually thought my nose was missing

Why did I believe Mommy When she said, “if you tell me the truth, you won’t get in trouble”

Why did I believe Mommy When she said, “if you tell me the truth, you won’t get in trouble”

why did i tell my parents who i like

why did i tell my parents who i like

Come on, man Simon didn't say you could do that

Come on, man Simon didn't say you could do that

i can't believe i asked dora if i could explore her

i can't believe i asked dora if i could explore her

i can't believe i pulled his finger

i can't believe i pulled his finger

aw, fuck! i left that dead whore in the trunk of the rental car!

aw, fuck! i left that dead whore in the trunk of the rental car!

I can't believe daddy won the wrestling match with mommy

I can't believe daddy won the wrestling match with mommy
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