goes to pet store to buy a guinea pig tribble

goes to pet store to buy a guinea pig  tribble - goes to pet store to buy a guinea pig  tribble  Bad Luck Ensign Brian


lives long doesn't prosper

lives long doesn't prosper

Joins the starship enterprise security officer

Joins the starship enterprise security officer

turbulence from Minor ion storm console explodes

turbulence from Minor ion storm console explodes

Finally gets back to earth from Voyager Earth taken over by borg

Finally gets back to earth from Voyager Earth taken over by borg

Gets to go on first away mission with kirk spock and mccoy

Gets to go on first away mission with kirk spock and mccoy

asks a vulcan out she laughs

asks a vulcan out she laughs

Gets first assignment out of academy wolf 359

Gets first assignment out of academy wolf 359

has good luck in mirror universe

has good luck in mirror universe

lives a fulfilling life with a wife, children and a lifetime of good memories Kataanian probe

lives a fulfilling life with a wife, children and a lifetime of good memories Kataanian probe

crew reverts into primeval animals reverts into himself

crew reverts into primeval animals reverts into himself
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