Goes to a women's clothing store Buys maternity skinny jeans

Goes to a women's clothing store Buys maternity skinny jeans  - Goes to a women's clothing store Buys maternity skinny jeans   Misunderstood Metalhead


is the only metalhead of the party Hijacks sono and plays loud Death metal

is the only metalhead of the party Hijacks sono and plays loud Death metal

Metalhead. That's the code word for bottom feeder.

Metalhead.  That's the code word for bottom feeder.

I have an extensive musical taste I listen to 7 genres of metal

I have an extensive musical taste I listen to 7 genres of metal

Because being a Hipster is too Mainstream

Because being a Hipster is too Mainstream

Hates it when people don't understand metal and give it a chance Hates rap and refuses to listen to it.

Hates it when people don't understand metal and give it a chance Hates rap and refuses to listen to it.

Seen as the most spiteful guy in a group of people He's the nicest guy among them all

Seen as the most spiteful guy in a group of people He's the nicest guy among them all

Hates hipsters. Writes off mainstream metal bands and call their fans "posers."

Hates hipsters. Writes off mainstream metal bands and call their fans

i listen to everything... metalcore, deathcore, grindcore, blackcore, mathcore, nintendocore, aliencore, powercore, and progcore.

i listen to everything... metalcore, deathcore, grindcore, blackcore, mathcore, nintendocore, aliencore, powercore, and progcore.

Quotes "As i walk through the valley of shadow of death i shall fear no Evil". Means he's the baddest motherfucker in the whole valley.


My friends and I brought torches to a church... Because the power was out.

My friends and I brought torches to a church... Because the power was out.
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