"that rupaul is sooo funny!" "too bad he's going to hell."


Daughter killed by drunk driver - Blames drunk driver Children die in connecticut shooting - blames lack of prayer in schools

Daughter killed by drunk driver - Blames drunk driver Children die in connecticut shooting - blames lack of prayer in schools

Has PreMarital Sex. "the bible Says Homosexuality Is A Sin"

Has PreMarital Sex.

Evolution is such crap! "If we evolved from monkeys why aren't we turning into them right now?"

Evolution is such crap!

"God didn't kill anyone in the bible!" What about the flood "That doesn't count, they were being bad."

So your mom has cancer God works in mysterious ways

So your mom has cancer God works in mysterious ways

THanks god for blessing her with children uses ivf to conceive every one

THanks god for blessing her with children uses ivf to conceive every one

Gets mad when people don't follow the Bible exactly has rights

Gets mad when people don't follow the Bible exactly has rights

" I would never agree to religion as a law because God is giving us the choice and I would always want it to be a choice" But Same Sex Marriage Should Be Illegal

I won't date an atheist I only date black guys.

I won't date an atheist I only date black guys.

As a christian and pastor's wife, i believe i should only help other christians in need Not all of the other poor and needy people

As a christian and pastor's wife, i believe i should only help other christians in need Not all of the other poor and needy people
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