Hell Week? Begin diet of caffeine, water, and vitamin c

Hell Week? Begin diet of caffeine, water, and vitamin c - Hell Week? Begin diet of caffeine, water, and vitamin c  Thespian Peacock


To sgmi, to ndfs, to sdjhb, to udfuh,to dfjihdf, to skjff To Go to the Festival

To sgmi, to ndfs, to sdjhb, to udfuh,to dfjihdf, to skjff To Go to the Festival

Theatre is a soft major? Six hours of script analysis a night begs to differ.

Theatre is a soft major? Six hours of script analysis a night begs to differ.

In Bracken at 3 am on a school night? Must be a theatre major.

In Bracken at 3 am on a school night? Must be a theatre major.

"he's there, the Phantom.. Shut Up meg!

I used to be a techie Then i took an arrow to the knee

I used to be a techie Then i took an arrow to the knee

Athlete tells you they're a fan of your work. Jaw Drops.

Athlete tells you they're a fan of your work. Jaw Drops.

Someone asks "What is that?" It's priest.

Someone asks

Do les Mis Go through months of intense therapy after show closes

Do les Mis  Go through months of intense therapy after show closes

put entire costume on realize you have to pee

put entire costume on realize you have to pee

finally get home at midnight 0% of homework is done

finally get home at midnight 0% of homework is done
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