Pose with child in media picture Don't mention that you murdered her parents beforehand

Pose with child in media picture Don't mention that you murdered her parents beforehand - Pose with child in media picture Don't mention that you murdered her parents beforehand  scumbag stalin


Wife Dies Better kill twenty million people

Wife Dies Better kill twenty million people

Doesn't believe in god still a bad person

Doesn't believe in god still a bad person

murder 20 million frontpage for banging 13 y/o

murder 20 million frontpage for banging 13 y/o

Supports a Jewish Homeland In Siberia

Supports a Jewish Homeland
 In Siberia

disagrees with trotsky has trotsky assassinated

disagrees with trotsky has trotsky assassinated

Christians are evil better see if i can kill more people than them

Christians are evil better see if i can kill more people than them

Co-Leads a Communist revolution with you Exiles you to Mexico, has you assassinated.

Co-Leads a Communist revolution with you Exiles you to Mexico, has you assassinated.

implemented a dictatorship, called it "communist" generations later, conservatives unable to correctly define "communism"

implemented a dictatorship, called it

Is Joseph Stalin

 Is Joseph Stalin

why u mad bro? we had a non-agression pact

why u mad bro? we had a non-agression pact
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