wears hipster glasses over contact lenses

wears hipster glasses over contact lenses - wears hipster glasses over contact lenses  Hamilton Hypocrite


Hates on Childish Gambino Consumed by gnawing self-doubt, constantly suspicious that he has no real friends and filled with dread that soon people realize how much of his braggadocio is merely a convenient front to protect a scared little kid who had his

Hates on Childish Gambino Consumed by gnawing self-doubt, constantly suspicious that he has no real friends and filled with dread that soon people realize how much of his braggadocio is merely a convenient front to protect a scared little kid who had his

thinks he's a sex god is a buffer

thinks he's a sex god is a buffer

Claims to be intellectual Is Jeremy Adelman

Claims to be intellectual Is 
Jeremy Adelman

Thinks Kirkland was a failure Lives in babbitt

Thinks  Kirkland was a failure Lives in babbitt

leads bulimia awareness week forces pbx pledges to throw up

leads bulimia awareness week forces pbx pledges to throw up

loves the close-knit community avoids eye contact on martin's way

loves the close-knit community avoids eye contact on martin's way

Goes to gym daily Gets blackout drunk on weekends

Goes to gym daily Gets blackout drunk on weekends

hates sororities pledges kdo

hates sororities pledges kdo



Really shy around girls Fairly Large Penis

Really shy around girls Fairly Large Penis
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