About Me:I Thank god for instilling me with strong morals status update: gettin slizzard with my fav sluts;)

About Me:I Thank god for instilling me with strong morals status update: gettin slizzard with my fav sluts;) - About Me:I Thank god for instilling me with strong morals status update: gettin slizzard with my fav sluts;)  Moral Becky


has spring break the same time as her brother goes to mexico for two weeks instead

has spring break the same time as her brother goes to mexico for two weeks instead

"i have morals" FROM CONNECTICUT

"some people are just so self centered" 122 picture album of herself taken with webcam

Goes to Occupy Philly Owns name brand clothes and a Mac book

Goes to Occupy Philly Owns name brand clothes and a Mac book

"I love my family" doesn't help her brother move

"ugh, people need to just live everyday like its there last" spends 5 hours a day on tumblr

"i have morals" IS A CARNIVORE

"No mom, I stayed in and studied tonight" Pukes 5 minutes later

I would listen to the band Queen more but they keep stealing songs from glee

I would listen to the band Queen more but they keep stealing songs from glee

"i have morals" Friend Zones Good Guy Greg

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