houston, i've got a problem rear end air filter is not working properly

houston, i've got a problem rear end air filter is not working properly - houston, i've got a problem rear end air filter is not working properly  Buzz Aldrin


We got here With a computer less powerful than your cell phone

We got here With a computer less powerful than your cell phone

When you shoot for the Moon you fucking land on the moon

When you shoot for the Moon you fucking land on the moon

Tired of Science types disproving your religion? Vote to fund the space program, so we can get out of your hair

Tired of Science types disproving your religion? Vote to fund the space program, so we can get out of your hair

Don't tell me the sky is the limit When there are footprints on the moon

Don't tell me the sky is the limit When there are footprints on the moon

You are the product of millions of years of evolution Fucking act like it

You are the product of millions of years of evolution Fucking act like it

shoot for the Moon, if you miss YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD

shoot for the Moon, if you miss YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD

We got here with a computer less powerful than your cell phone then let corporations and religious politicians flush all the knowledge down the drain. telling us it's too expensive to do it again. Even though cell phones have gone from those giant 90's dr

We got here with a computer less powerful than your cell phone then let corporations and religious politicians flush all the knowledge down the drain. telling us it's too expensive to do it again. Even though cell phones have gone from those giant 90's dr

Hey Commies We saw that one coming

Hey Commies We saw that one coming

When you shoot for the moon and actually make it There will still be idiots who doubt it

When you shoot for the moon and actually make it There will still be idiots who doubt it

this reminds me of cod zombies oh shit! whats that?

this reminds me of cod zombies oh shit! whats that?
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