Last race to explore the space Makes every other race speak English

Last race to explore the space Makes every other race speak English  - Last race to explore the space Makes every other race speak English   Scumbag shepard


There's a Universe to save Only concerned with who to sleep with

There's a Universe to save Only concerned with who to sleep with

Galaxy being destroyed Bangs secretary in shower

Galaxy being destroyed Bangs secretary in shower

Lets you choose dialogue options always says it differently

Lets you choose dialogue options  always says it differently

Colony captured? Hacks your computer and steals your bank account

Colony captured? Hacks your computer and steals your bank account

Has 30,000 credits to spend on arming crew to save the galaxy Spends 25,000 on an Aquarium

Has 30,000 credits to spend on arming crew to save the galaxy 
Spends 25,000 on an Aquarium

Gets mission "Race against time" to save the galaxy Spends majority of the time doing irrelevant sidequests before that

Gets mission

Spends time at Apartment Makes everyone else stay on Normandy

Spends time at Apartment Makes everyone else stay on Normandy

Gets on Zaeed's case for endangering factory workers Blows up an entire batarian system

Gets on Zaeed's case for endangering factory workers Blows up an entire batarian system

Billions of Humans die to Reaper invasion Gets emotional over one stupid kid

Billions of Humans die to Reaper invasion Gets emotional over one stupid kid

Waits for thane to get stabbed to start shooting at kai leng

Waits for thane to get stabbed to start shooting at kai leng
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