Or they day Jesus rose and the corpses in Jerusalem came to life. Harold Camping was right! Doomsday! Look at the zombies. Reminds me of the 'Thriller' video.

Or they day Jesus rose and the corpses in Jerusalem came to life. Harold Camping was right!  Doomsday! Look at the zombies.  Reminds me of the 'Thriller' video. - Or they day Jesus rose and the corpses in Jerusalem came to life. Harold Camping was right!  Doomsday! Look at the zombies.  Reminds me of the 'Thriller' video.  Dawn of the Dead


Did you know Jehovah's Witnesses don't trick-or-treat on halloween? Is it because of their religion? either that or they don't like it when strangers knock on their door and disturb them.

Did you know Jehovah's Witnesses don't trick-or-treat on halloween?  Is it because of their religion? either that or they don't like it when strangers knock on their door and disturb them.

No, you hang up Ok, on 3. 1...2...3... You still there? Me too.

No, you hang up Ok, on 3.  1...2...3... You still there?  Me too.

Hey Carl you hungry? Yeah I'm starving. For Cock? I wonder if Carl is hungry.

Hey Carl you hungry? Yeah I'm starving.  For Cock? I wonder if Carl is hungry.

So Carl, I have a friend who might have a crush on a certain somebody- By 'friend' do you mean you and by 'certain somebody' do you mean me? NO!

So Carl, I have a friend who might have a crush on a certain somebody- By 'friend' do you mean you and by 'certain somebody' do you mean me? NO!

700 Oak Street. Why do you ask? Just wondering. Hey man, where does your Mom live again?

700 Oak Street.  Why do you ask?  Just wondering.  Hey man, where does your Mom live again?

Carl's a really nice guy, I wonder what he's doing. Hey Carl? How ya doing? You tired? No, not really, why? Well you should be, cause you've been running through my mind all day.

Carl's a really nice guy, I wonder what he's doing.  Hey Carl? How ya doing? You tired? No, not really, why? Well you should be, cause you've been running through my mind all day.

Awww yeah. Bro, you smell like Updog. What's "Updog"? Nothin'. What's up with you?

Awww yeah. Bro, you smell like Updog. What's

(Grabbing some pills) Pills here!

 (Grabbing some pills) Pills here!

Let me check... Yeah... Well you better catch it! Is your refrigerator running?

Let me check... Yeah... Well you better catch it! Is your refrigerator running?

There's a zombie behind you, don't make any noise or it will hear you Help. Me. WHAT DID YOU SAY?!

There's a zombie behind you, don't make any noise or it will hear you Help. Me.  WHAT DID YOU SAY?!
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