Jesus is the Way, the truth, the light 38,000 different sects of christianity

Jesus is the Way, the truth, the light 38,000 different sects of christianity - Jesus is the Way, the truth, the light 38,000 different sects of christianity  Christian Anarchist Jesus


Oh, it's your birthday today? Well, I'm Jesus and I'll be stealing your thunder for the rest of your life.

Oh, it's your birthday today? Well, I'm Jesus and I'll be stealing your thunder for the rest of your life.

I came back to life so you could have candy. Happy Atheist Halloween.

I came back to life
so you could have candy. Happy Atheist Halloween.

Jesus' true message: Do whatever the fuck you want to whoever the fuck you want and you still get into heaven if you believe in me.

Jesus' true message: Do whatever the fuck you want to 
whoever the fuck you want and you
still get into heaven 
if you believe in me.

If Jesus offers me salvation in return for accepting him... ...does that mean he's trying to buy my love?

If Jesus offers me salvation in return for accepting him... ...does that mean he's trying to buy my love?

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle Than for someone to actually believe this shit

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle Than for someone to actually believe this shit

Put your life into the hands of org-mode you will be saved

Put your life into the hands of  org-mode you will be saved

i'm an anarchist most of my followers are statists

i'm an anarchist most of my followers are statists



Tebow defeats the Steelers in Overtime Checkmate Atheists

Tebow defeats the Steelers in Overtime Checkmate Atheists

young people of today should not engage in sexual intercourse or thievery.

young people of today should not engage in sexual intercourse or thievery.
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