She's not stupid You're just a sexist, ignorant liberal compensating for something

She's not stupid You're just a sexist, ignorant liberal compensating for something - She's not stupid You're just a sexist, ignorant liberal compensating for something  Whites Rule Bachmann


She's not stupid because she's a Republican She's just stupid

She's not stupid because she's a Republican She's just stupid

Republicans Agree She's fucking insane

Republicans Agree She's fucking insane

She's not stupid because she's a Republican She's stupid because it appeals to her base

She's not stupid because she's a Republican She's stupid because it appeals to her base

Scared of Sharia law Make America follow Christian ideals

Scared of Sharia law Make America follow Christian ideals

fake Onion quotes and real bachmann quotes no difference

fake Onion quotes and real bachmann quotes no difference

Says its all about jobs Asks supporters to work for free

Says its all about jobs Asks supporters to work for free

She's not an elected politician because she's stupid. She's an elected politician because stupid Republicans elected her.

She's not an elected politician because she's stupid. She's an elected politician because stupid Republicans elected her.

Some people just need a high five. In the face. With a chair.

Some people just need a high five. In the face.
With a chair.

My husband loves dick cheney, our former vice president

My husband loves dick cheney, our former vice president

Everybody Agrees She's fucking insane

Everybody Agrees She's fucking insane
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