Stop Sign Nope. Yield Sign

Stop Sign Nope. Yield Sign - Stop Sign Nope. Yield Sign  South Florida Driver


courteously lets opposing car turn left in front of her prevents 12 cars from making green light

courteously lets opposing car turn left in front of her prevents 12 cars from making green light

Turning right in 5 miles Better signal now

Turning right in 5 miles  Better signal now

It's raining? Better go 40 under the speed limitin the left lane with emergency lights on

It's raining? Better go 40 under the speed limitin the left lane with emergency lights on

someone's behind me? better slow down and put a turn signal on

someone's behind me? better slow down and put a turn signal on

Leaves early to avoid traffic Is the traffic

Leaves early to avoid traffic Is the traffic

getting on the freeway? better bump it up to 30

getting on the freeway?  better bump it up to 30

It's raining? better go 40 under the speed limit

It's raining? better go 40 under the speed limit

light turned yellow slam on brakes

light turned yellow slam on brakes

Speed Limit 40? I'll do 25 just to be safe.

Speed Limit 40? I'll do 25 just to be safe.

lives in south Florida heavy winter coat

lives in south Florida heavy winter coat
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