refers to you as a terrorist in his report million dollar funding from homeland security and you never fly again

refers to you as a terrorist in his report million dollar funding from homeland security
and you never fly again - refers to you as a terrorist in his report million dollar funding from homeland security
and you never fly again  Scumbag sheriff


searches your crotch twice

searches your crotch twice

picked on in high school we'll see who's laughing now

picked on in high school we'll see who's laughing now

where's the cocaine? i know you have some

where's the cocaine? i know you have some

arrests you for drunk driving dueling banjos starts to play

arrests you for drunk driving dueling banjos starts to play

takes kids to six flags. training kicks in. 11 dead actors in the haunted house.

takes kids to six flags. training kicks in.  11 dead actors in the haunted house.

Hears a firecracker during parade. Opens fire on the Spongebob float.

Hears a firecracker during parade. Opens fire on the Spongebob float.

GIVES YOU A TICKET FOR VIOLATING THE LAW DOESn't know exactly what the law is

GIVES YOU A TICKET FOR VIOLATING THE LAW DOESn't know exactly what the law is

Hears toilet flushing more than once. Kicks in stall door. Accuses you of hiding drugs.

Hears toilet flushing more than once. Kicks in stall door.  Accuses you of hiding drugs.

Welsh Corgi riot at the animal shelter. Better bring extra ammo.

Welsh Corgi riot at the animal shelter. Better bring extra ammo.

No free coffee and donuts at the pakistani quickie pickie has business closed by county. public nuisance.

No free coffee and donuts at the pakistani quickie pickie has business closed by county.  public nuisance.
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