C 3,4,5 Keep the diaphragm alive

C 3,4,5 Keep the diaphragm alive - C 3,4,5 Keep the diaphragm alive  Unabridged First Year Medical Student


Woman starts choking in restaurant Recite Krebs cycle

Woman starts choking in restaurant Recite Krebs cycle

Calcium 8.6 mg/dl, Total protein 6.5 gm/dl, Albumin 3.0 gm/dl, Alkaline phosphatase 480 u/l, CPK 950u/l, SGPT 40 u/l, SGOT 31 u/l, Total bilirubin 0.6 mg/dl, Direct bilirubin 0.1 mg/dl, BP: 148/94, Amylase 97 u/l, Lipase 134 u/l, Na 146 mmol/l, K

Calcium  8.6 mg/dl, Total protein  6.5 gm/dl, Albumin  3.0 gm/dl, Alkaline phosphatase 480 u/l, CPK  950u/l, SGPT 40 u/l, SGOT  31 u/l, Total bilirubin 0.6 mg/dl, Direct bilirubin 0.1 mg/dl, BP: 148/94, Amylase  97 u/l, Lipase  134 u/l, Na  146 mmol/l, K

Future med student: What's med school like? CANNOT FIND WORDS

Future med student: What's med school like?  CANNOT FIND WORDS

I expected to see crazy pictures in textbooks: Birth defects, severely maimed, etc. but the most terrifying pages in med school textbooks, are the pages with no pictures at all

I expected to see crazy pictures in textbooks: Birth defects, severely maimed, etc.  but the most terrifying pages in med school textbooks, are the pages with no pictures at all

Skip class to study sleep til noon

Skip class to study sleep til noon

Hey do you guys wanna go study together? TALK FOR FOUR HOURS INSTEAD

Hey do you guys wanna go study together? TALK FOR FOUR HOURS INSTEAD

If you mutter one more word about cell bio I will JAK you up. STAT.

If you mutter one more word about cell bio I will JAK you up. STAT.

First week of Gross anatomy: scalpel please Last week of gross anatomy: scapula ple... DAMMIT

First week of Gross anatomy: scalpel please Last week of gross anatomy: scapula ple... DAMMIT

You have diabetes Or a broken arm

You have diabetes Or a broken arm

Okay, I'm going to listen to your heart sounds I HAVE NO IDEA

Okay, I'm going to listen to your heart sounds I HAVE NO IDEA
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