those tits look delicious

those tits look delicious - those tits look delicious  Serious Baby


So then I asked her why would i want a train going into my mouth?

So then I asked her why would i want a train going into my mouth?

Played Peek-A-Boo Today Does Mommy Think abandonment is funny?

Played Peek-A-Boo Today Does Mommy Think abandonment is funny?

i've had enough of this "peek-a-boo" bullshit where the fuck were you

i've had enough of this

rock-a-bye baby on the tree top? call child protective services

rock-a-bye baby on the tree top? call child protective services

Jingle those keys in my face one more time. I fucking dare you.

Jingle those keys in my face one more time. I fucking dare you.

You must be fucking retarded My nose is still on my face

You must be fucking retarded My nose is still on my face

"GUCCIBUCCIgoogoo" Bitch, what did you just call me?

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you Compassion is the basis of morality Change me.

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you Compassion is the basis of morality Change me.

i can touch anyones boobs and they will just smile

i can touch anyones boobs and they will just smile

Yes I made a doody Saying it in falsetto changes nothing

Yes I made a doody Saying it in falsetto changes nothing
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