im going to teach this algebra in power point have the math version of powerpoint, substitutes all the math symbols with other symbols. DOES NOT

im going to teach this algebra in power point                   have the math version of powerpoint, substitutes all the math symbols with other symbols. DOES NOT - im going to teach this algebra in power point                   have the math version of powerpoint, substitutes all the math symbols with other symbols. DOES NOT  Engineering Professor


"This material isn't that difficult." Dedicated his entire academic and professional career on that one subject.

classwork: 2+2=4 test: John had 3 apples and lost 1. calculate the mass of the sun

classwork: 2+2=4 test: John had 3 apples and lost 1. calculate the mass of the sun

Doctorate degree in electrical engineering. Can't figure out why the YouTube video has no sound.

Doctorate degree in electrical engineering.  Can't figure out why the YouTube video has no sound.

"the test should only take an hour if you know the material" takes 3 weeks to make an answer key

Leaves class door open accuses student sitting outside of stealing education

Leaves class door open accuses student sitting outside of stealing education

$180 textbook his

$180 textbook his

Makes you buy $300 textbook He's the author

Makes you buy $300 textbook He's the author

Brilliant professor in aerospace digital electronics Can't turn on the lights

Brilliant professor in aerospace digital electronics Can't turn on the lights

Spends half the class going over something very complicated that nobody gets Oh you guys don't actually need to know that, I was just proving the equation I'm about to give you.

Spends half the class going over something very complicated that nobody gets Oh you guys don't actually need to know that, I was just proving the equation I'm about to give you.

Complains about low attendance for half of the lecture to the students who attend

Complains about low attendance for half of the lecture to the students who attend
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