liberal college girl

Abortion: my body, my choice Raw milk: Your body, still my choice

Abortion: my body, my choice Raw milk: Your body, still my choice  liberal college girl

Gazes at something distant Butthurt capitalists start bashing every facet of her existence

Gazes at something distant Butthurt capitalists start bashing every facet of her existence  liberal college girl

Supports social security, Obamacare, gun control, and higher taxes Is "Pro-Choice"

Supports social security, Obamacare, gun control, and higher taxes Is

protests columbus day continues living in America

protests columbus day continues living in America  liberal college girl

You shouldn't kill flies! Hasn't washed pussy in 10 years

You shouldn't kill flies! Hasn't washed pussy in 10 years  liberal college girl

one love except Christians and conservatives

one love except Christians and conservatives  liberal college girl

All the world's problems? ILLUMINATI!

All the world's problems? ILLUMINATI!  liberal college girl

Says Doritos are poison for the body Drinks

Says Doritos are poison for the body Drinks  liberal college girl

"Oh MY God, how can you wear fur?!" Is wearing Leather Boots

Thinks a balanced education Is understanding that Conservervative Christians are responsible for all the evil in the world

Thinks a balanced education Is understanding that Conservervative Christians are responsible for all the evil in the world  liberal college girl
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