inappropriate radio DJ

Yesterday a family died in a fire at their home Next up: Burning Down The House

Yesterday a family died in a fire at their home Next up: Burning Down The House   inappropriate radio DJ

School shooting occurs Here's Pumped up kicks

School shooting occurs Here's Pumped up kicks  inappropriate radio DJ

Amber Alert! Next up: 311

Amber Alert! Next up: 311  inappropriate radio DJ

A woman was raped last night by a group of gang members Next up: Train

A woman was raped last night by a group of gang members Next up: Train  inappropriate radio DJ

Serial killer on a killing spree Next up; Slayer with "Kill Again"

Serial killer on a killing spree Next up; Slayer with

20 people died in a shooting Next up: LMFAO

20 people died in a shooting Next up: LMFAO  inappropriate radio DJ

Man brutally murders wife with shotgun Next up: Bullet for my valentine

Man brutally murders wife with shotgun  Next up: Bullet for my valentine  inappropriate radio DJ

A man drowned in a hotel fountain last night UP NEXT: FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE!

A man drowned in a hotel fountain last night UP NEXT: FOUNTAINS OF WAYNE!  inappropriate radio DJ

Girl is struck by lightning Next up: Electric Six - High Voltage

Girl is struck by lightning Next up: Electric Six - High Voltage  inappropriate radio DJ

A cult committed mass suicide today by jumping off the sears tower Now here's throwback with It's Raining Men

A cult committed mass suicide today by jumping off the sears tower Now here's throwback with It's Raining Men  inappropriate radio DJ
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