Good Girl Gina

Sees me on reddit Says, "I'm going to cook you breakfast because that's what bitches do!!"

Sees me on reddit  Says,

doesn't like video games enjoys playing them with you

doesn't like video games enjoys playing them with you  Good Girl Gina

Sensing you're gonna cum in her mouth Bites your dick off, and feeds it to her cat

Sensing you're gonna cum in her mouth Bites your dick off, and feeds it to her cat  Good Girl Gina

Is your waitress Asks you for butt sex.

Is your waitress Asks you for butt sex.  Good Girl Gina

School bans yoga pants Wears them anyway

School bans yoga pants Wears them anyway  Good Girl Gina

Hangs out with you because she likes you

Hangs out with you because she likes you  Good Girl Gina

sees friend's ex doesn't flirt with him

sees friend's ex doesn't flirt with him  Good Girl Gina

Call Sonos Support and Kids start screaming Offers to call back after her kids calm down

Call Sonos Support and Kids start screaming Offers to call back after her kids calm down  Good Girl Gina

has explosive diarrhea leaves no evidence

has explosive diarrhea  leaves no evidence  Good Girl Gina

Profile picture on OKC is a bunch of girls. She's the hot one.

Profile picture on OKC is a bunch of girls. She's the hot one.  Good Girl Gina
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