good captain picard

Please basketball gods make it so

Please basketball gods make it so  good captain picard

orange omlets and bologna make it so

orange omlets and bologna make it so  good captain picard


 Engage  good captain picard

Would rather die Than instill religious fear in primitive people

Would rather die Than instill religious fear in primitive people  good captain picard

gets Assimilated by the borg still Helps you destroy them

gets Assimilated by the borg still Helps you destroy them  good captain picard


 engaged!  good captain picard

Computer, Shields up! Shields Up is an online port scanning service created by Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation and hosted at

Computer, Shields up! Shields Up is an online port scanning service created by Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corporation and hosted at   good captain picard

Phoebe Tonkin as Wonder Woman and Indiana Evans as Supergirl make it so film-makers

Phoebe Tonkin as Wonder Woman 

and Indiana Evans as Supergirl make it so film-makers  good captain picard

Engage! Motherfuckers...

Engage! Motherfuckers...  good captain picard

Make it so Levon helmsman

Make it so Levon helmsman  good captain picard
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