conspiracy keanu

What if Footnotes exist only to keep professors from dealing with copious amounts of academic trite and we're only using them because part of the PHD process is dying inside?

What if Footnotes exist only to keep professors from dealing with copious amounts of academic trite and we're only using them because part of the PHD process is dying inside?   conspiracy keanu

what if we are extraterrestrial and UFOs are our old human civilization trying to contact us

what if we are extraterrestrial and UFOs are our old human civilization trying to contact us  conspiracy keanu

What if my life is just a television show and everyone around me is an actor

What if my life is just a television show and everyone around me is an actor  conspiracy keanu

What if 1984 has been altered and is actually what the goverment wants me to read

What if 1984 has been altered and is actually what the goverment wants me to read  conspiracy keanu

what if awesome_oil_paint and shitty_watercolor are the same person

what if awesome_oil_paint and shitty_watercolor are the same person  conspiracy keanu

what if you're all just writing angry notes yourselves and posting them on reddit just to whore karma?

what if you're all just writing angry notes yourselves and posting them on reddit just to whore karma?  conspiracy keanu

What if blowing smoke in a dogs ear gets them so high that they think like a human and that's why they lose their shit

What if blowing smoke in a dogs ear gets them so high that they think like a human and that's why they lose their shit  conspiracy keanu

What if mirrors are portals to a another universe where everything is backwards And we can't get through because ourselves are in the way

What if mirrors are portals to a another universe where everything is backwards And we can't get through because ourselves are in the way  conspiracy keanu

What if all the funny cat pictures on reddit Are just a way to get young people into politics?

What if all the funny cat pictures on reddit Are just a way to get young people into politics?  conspiracy keanu

What if people down vote my submissions to repost it themselves and get the karma

What if people down vote my submissions to repost it themselves and get the karma  conspiracy keanu
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