Y U No

Cary Zhu y u no go to IMSA?!?

Cary Zhu y u no go to IMSA?!?  Y U No

BIKE RIDE y u no go!?

BIKE RIDE y u no go!?  Y U No

Fucking nick y u no play wow!?

Fucking nick y u no play wow!?  Y U No


emma Y U NO LOVE ME  Y U No

Otter Pop y u no freeze faster

Otter Pop y u no freeze faster  Y U No

Ron Paul y u no acknowledge seperation of church and state

Ron Paul y u no acknowledge seperation of church and state  Y U No

BRAD y u no wash the dishes?

BRAD y u no wash the dishes?  Y U No

strengths professor y u no give us stress/strain graph?

strengths professor y u no give us stress/strain 
graph?  Y U No

Laurentian Students Y U NOT SIGNED UP for Math and Computer Science Club yet?!

Laurentian Students Y U  NOT SIGNED UP for Math and Computer Science Club yet?!  Y U No

Steve Jobs y u no alive and make iPhone 5?

Steve Jobs y u no alive and make iPhone 5?  Y U No
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