Y U No

guilty feet y u no have rhythm

guilty feet y u no have rhythm   Y U No

Hey you y u no pay attention in class

Hey you y u no pay attention in class  Y U No

CMS y u no have better website

CMS y u no have better website  Y U No

world y u no understand they're my real parents?

world y u no understand they're my real parents?  Y U No

Children y u no sleep?!

Children y u no sleep?!  Y U No

BlueStone Lofts y u so expensive

BlueStone Lofts y u so expensive  Y U No

Sorority Girls y u take up all the ellipticals?

Sorority Girls y u take up all the ellipticals?  Y U No

solidworks y u no wait longer than 1 year between releases?

solidworks y u no wait longer than 1 year between releases?  Y U No

school computers y u no have Google chrome

school computers y u no have Google chrome  Y U No

birthday boy y u no buy ur own present

birthday boy y u no buy ur own present  Y U No
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