Y U No

Juniors y u no participate in anything

Juniors y u no participate in anything  Y U No

Maxwell y u no write everything I'm saying?

Maxwell y u no write everything I'm saying?  Y U No

Rinshul Chandra y u no stop doing forgery?

Rinshul Chandra y u no stop doing forgery?  Y U No

Maldita primavera y u no pasas ligera?

Maldita primavera y u no pasas ligera?  Y U No

Salary y u no credit on time

Salary y u no credit on time  Y U No

EddieRuckus Y U NO Tell truth 2 kayla

EddieRuckus Y U NO Tell truth 2 kayla  Y U No

Marco y u steal omars line

Marco y u steal omars line  Y U No

ANT y u no stop sending marvels avengers request!

ANT y u no stop sending marvels avengers  request!  Y U No

Reddit Y U No use this meme anymore?

Reddit Y U No use this meme anymore?  Y U No

People who wear shorts every day y u no check the weather

People who wear shorts every day y u no check the weather  Y U No
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