Y U No

Late night studies y u no come with beer/hot dog stand?

Late night studies y u no come with beer/hot dog stand?  Y U No

yousef el-zohiry y u so mean to sami zaki?!

yousef el-zohiry y u so mean to sami zaki?!  Y U No

Guelph internet y u no work??!!!!

Guelph internet y u no work??!!!!  Y U No

Alberto García Hierro y u steal dan's rage maker???

Alberto García Hierro y u  steal dan's rage maker???  Y U No

WALDO! y u nowhere to be found?

WALDO! y u nowhere to be found?  Y U No

Latex Caps y u no Stay On

Latex Caps y u no Stay On  Y U No

stevie ray vaughan y u so good at guitar

stevie ray vaughan y u so good at guitar  Y U No

pittsburgh weather y u no make sense?

pittsburgh weather y u no make sense?  Y U No

supreme court justices y u no write opinions that make sense

supreme court justices  y u no write opinions that make sense  Y U No

Hair y u always look better before bed

Hair y u always look better before bed   Y U No
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