Wrong Lyrics Christina

Big Pimpin Spinach and cheese

Big Pimpin Spinach and cheese  Wrong Lyrics Christina

wrapped up like a douche another runner in the knife.

wrapped up like a douche another runner in the knife.  Wrong Lyrics Christina

It ain't friction Just a natural tack!

It ain't friction Just a natural tack!  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Tom Jones' Daughter of darkness daughter of dog mess

Tom Jones'
Daughter of darkness daughter of dog mess  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Can you show me. The Shine of your japan Sparkling Vagina

Can you show me. The Shine of your japan Sparkling Vagina  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Rolling in the shee-e-eep Like a lady Like a lady-e-ei-e

Rolling in the shee-e-eep Like a lady Like a lady-e-ei-e
  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Moonshine baloonshine we are the champions

Moonshine baloonshine we are the champions  Wrong Lyrics Christina

TEAR MY HEART OPEN I sew myself shut

TEAR MY HEART OPEN I sew myself shut  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Take me down to the paradise city where they sure are mean, and its ran by kittys

Take me down to the paradise city where they sure are mean, and its ran by kittys  Wrong Lyrics Christina

bobby flay can't you see? fry the prawn's girly kite

bobby flay can't you see? fry the prawn's girly kite  Wrong Lyrics Christina
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