Wrong Lyrics Christina

There goes my hero, Sergeant Harry

There goes my hero, Sergeant Harry  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Turn off the lights And hit a baby

Turn off the lights And hit a baby  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Don't go 'round tonight it's bound to take your life There's a bathroom on the right

Don't go 'round tonight it's bound to take your life There's a bathroom on the right  Wrong Lyrics Christina

'scuse me, While i kiss this guy

'scuse me, While i kiss this guy  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Hey Hey Hey I was Barney Rubble!

Hey Hey Hey I was Barney Rubble!  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Dada doodoo just dance, spin that raptor babe! dada doodoo

Dada doodoo just dance, spin that raptor babe! dada doodoo  Wrong Lyrics Christina

My lolipop brings the boys to the playground And their like It's better than Smores, Damn right it's better than Smores, I beseech you, But I don't drive cars

My lolipop brings the boys to the playground And their like
It's better than Smores,
Damn right it's better than Smores,
I beseech you,  
But I don't drive cars  Wrong Lyrics Christina

All the salami and the chips are left to rust That's what the water gave us

All the salami and the chips are left to rust That's what the water gave us  Wrong Lyrics Christina

In New york Concrete jungle wet bees potato

New york Concrete jungle wet bees potato  Wrong Lyrics Christina

we all live in a tub of margarine

we all live in a tub of margarine  Wrong Lyrics Christina
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