Wrong Lyrics Christina

trees! trees! baby come back!

trees! trees! baby come back!  Wrong Lyrics Christina

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes Singing heyo a tomato!!

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes  Singing heyo a tomato!!   Wrong Lyrics Christina

Voldy is a meany, angry, noseless marvolo!

Voldy is a meany, angry, noseless marvolo!  Wrong Lyrics Christina

I wanna make a banana now

I wanna make a banana now  Wrong Lyrics Christina

My girl wants to potty all the time potty all the time potty all the time

My girl wants to  potty all the time
potty all the time
potty all the time  Wrong Lyrics Christina

i'm a message in a bottle baby gotta scrub me the right way honey

i'm a message in a bottle baby gotta scrub me the right way honey  Wrong Lyrics Christina

It's too late to call my job

It's too late to call my job  Wrong Lyrics Christina

A few times I've been around that track So it's not just gonna happen like that I ain't no Harlem black girl

A few times I've been around that track So it's not just gonna happen like that I ain't no Harlem black girl  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Cheese goat a tiki to rah but cheese is cake

Cheese goat a tiki to rah but cheese is cake  Wrong Lyrics Christina

And Little Early Pearly kept my anus curly wurly

And Little Early Pearly kept my anus curly wurly  Wrong Lyrics Christina
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