Wrong Lyrics Christina

Foxtrot, Unicorn Charlie, Kilo

Foxtrot, Unicorn Charlie, Kilo  Wrong Lyrics Christina

'SCUSE ME While I kiss this guy

'SCUSE ME While I kiss this guy  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Now i'm feeling so fly like a cheese stick.

Now i'm feeling so fly like a cheese stick.  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Billie Jean is not my lover She's just a girl who claims that I am the one, but... Cheetahs Mugged My Son

Billie Jean is not my lover 
She's just a girl who claims that I am the one, but... Cheetahs Mugged My Son  Wrong Lyrics Christina

I see you driving, round town with the girl I love, and I'm like HAIKU

I see you driving, round town with the girl I love, and I'm like HAIKU  Wrong Lyrics Christina

We're heading for peanuts and still we stand tall

We're heading for peanuts and still we stand tall  Wrong Lyrics Christina

all the camels coming out for a public affair

all the camels coming out for a public affair  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Elmo's got a gun... Ernie's on the run..

Elmo's got a gun... Ernie's on the run..  Wrong Lyrics Christina

im a man and im passing a kidney stone

im a man and im passing a kidney stone  Wrong Lyrics Christina

And guess what... I won miss world!!

And guess what... I won miss world!!  Wrong Lyrics Christina
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