Wrong Lyrics Christina

i follow the mogwai down to dorky park listening to the wind of change

i follow the mogwai down to dorky park listening to the wind of change  Wrong Lyrics Christina

oh that time of the month again? YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! forgot my maxipad

oh that time of the month again? YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! forgot my maxipad  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Actin funny, and I don't know why 'scuse me, while I kiss this guy

Actin funny, and I don't know why 'scuse me, while I kiss this guy  Wrong Lyrics Christina

steak me home tonight I dont wanna lettuce tomato it's Bright

steak me home tonight I dont wanna lettuce tomato it's Bright  Wrong Lyrics Christina

you are the piece of meat i wish i didn't eat

you are the piece of meat i wish i didn't eat  Wrong Lyrics Christina

hey jude don't taste too bad

hey jude don't taste too bad  Wrong Lyrics Christina

secret asian man

secret asian man  Wrong Lyrics Christina

This is the potato break up song

This is the potato break up song  Wrong Lyrics Christina

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh Steak and a knife, Steak and a knife.

Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh Steak and a knife,
Steak and a knife.  Wrong Lyrics Christina

You can travel the world but nothing comes close to the golden curls!

You can travel the world but nothing comes close to the golden curls!  Wrong Lyrics Christina
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