Worst LoL Player

Dies to Jungle Minions. OMFG THEY CRIT 100%

Dies to Jungle Minions. OMFG THEY CRIT 100%  Worst LoL Player

Die in Teamfight! " 5 vs 1 noobs "

Die in Teamfight!

I am Pro I wear hat

I am Pro I wear hat  Worst LoL Player

garen top lane? not sure if i should pick akali or nasus against him...

garen top lane? not sure if i should pick akali or nasus against him...  Worst LoL Player

my friends made me to a meme it hurts

my friends made me to a meme it hurts  Worst LoL Player

Kogmaw so useless can die twice

Kogmaw so useless can die twice  Worst LoL Player

sucked when he started lol didn't stop sucking after 274 wins

sucked when he started lol didn't stop sucking after 274 wins   Worst LoL Player

goes lee sin jungle ganks first at lvl 8

goes lee sin jungle ganks first at lvl 8  Worst LoL Player

feeding while playing with friends get reported

feeding while playing with friends get reported  Worst LoL Player

"why there no wards noobs?" plays taric

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