Wise Wondering Viscacha

Love Is a four letter word.

Love Is a four letter word.  Wise Wondering Viscacha

Bunniness ends where anger begins

Bunniness ends where anger begins  Wise Wondering Viscacha

Knows the secrets of the world sits around getting fat on Carrots

Knows the secrets of the world sits around getting fat on Carrots  Wise Wondering Viscacha

Speaks of self-restraint is overweight

Speaks of 
self-restraint is overweight  Wise Wondering Viscacha


VAPE FTW  Wise Wondering Viscacha

We are number one! All others are number two or lower

We are number one! All others are number two or lower  Wise Wondering Viscacha

not sure if viscacha or chuck testa

not sure if viscacha or chuck testa  Wise Wondering Viscacha

Steak line at Lakeside? I can wait...

Steak line at Lakeside? I can wait...  Wise Wondering Viscacha

mmm *breaths hevily* look at dem burgers all greasy and such *breaths hevily* das fat bunny

mmm *breaths hevily* look at dem burgers all greasy and such *breaths hevily* das fat bunny  Wise Wondering Viscacha

Patient like the rock fierce like the cobra wise like the hare

Patient like the rock fierce like the cobra wise like the hare  Wise Wondering Viscacha
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