Whose Line

WELCOME TO Religion class where everything's made up and the points don't matter

WELCOME TO Religion class where everything's made up and the points don't matter  Whose Line

WELCOME TO Paty! Where the rooms are moldy and work orders don't matter

WELCOME TO Paty! Where the rooms are moldy and work orders don't matter  Whose Line

welcome to UnH the university of no holidays where presidents day doesn't matter.

welcome to UnH the university of no holidays where presidents day doesn't matter.  Whose Line

WELCOME to yahoo.com where facts don't matter and the only news is celebrity news

WELCOME to yahoo.com where facts don't matter and the only news is celebrity news  Whose Line

Welcome to World of Tanks, Where if you have skill fuck you and it's arty's fault if you die

Welcome to World of Tanks, Where if you have skill fuck you and it's arty's fault if you die  Whose Line

welcome to the presidential debates where nothing is actually said and the time constraints don't matter

welcome to the presidential debates where nothing is actually said and the time constraints don't matter  Whose Line

WELCOME TO Probability and Statistics The class Where everything is made up and the numbers don't matter

WELCOME TO Probability and Statistics  The class Where everything is made up
and the numbers don't matter  Whose Line

WELCOME TO the midwest Where the temperatures are made up and the forecasts don't matter

WELCOME TO the midwest Where the temperatures are made up and the forecasts don't matter  Whose Line

WELCOME TO reddit where your jokes aren't funny, and your grammar sucks

WELCOME TO reddit where your jokes aren't funny, and your grammar sucks  Whose Line

WELCOME TO America Where laws can be bought and your rights don't matter

WELCOME TO America Where laws can be bought and your rights don't matter  Whose Line
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