Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme Because none of the other candidates have promised me a free pony

Vermin Supreme Because none of the other candidates have promised me a free pony  Vermin Supreme

I will fund time travel research, then go back in time In order to kill baby hitler before he is born with my bare hands

I will fund time travel research, then go back in time In order to kill baby hitler before he is born with my bare hands  Vermin Supreme

I have a boot on my head Your argument is irrelevant

I have a boot on my head Your argument is irrelevant   Vermin Supreme

What candidate doesn't think of himself as an emperor? In that case, my choice is Vermin Supreme!

What candidate doesn't think of himself as an emperor? In that case, my choice is Vermin Supreme!  Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme He has a bit of a crazy stance on some issues.

Vermin       Supreme He has a bit of a crazy
 stance on some issues.  Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme More trustworthy than the last two guys in office

Vermin       Supreme More trustworthy than the
 last two guys in office  Vermin Supreme

yours My hat is a boot. Your argument is invalid

yours My hat is a boot. Your argument is invalid  Vermin Supreme

I see ponies Yonder

I see ponies  Yonder  Vermin Supreme

A vote for Finn Maris Is a vote for free ponies

A vote for Finn Maris Is a vote for free ponies  Vermin Supreme

Vermin Supreme says: NNOOOO0OOOOOO!!!!!!!

Vermin       Supreme says: NNOOOO0OOOOOO!!!!!!!  Vermin Supreme
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