Upvoting Obama

You commented on my post? Fuck it, Have an upvote

You commented on my post? Fuck it,
Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

you posted an ugly corgi to /r/corgi? Fuck it, still a corgi

you posted an ugly corgi to /r/corgi? Fuck it,
still a corgi  Upvoting Obama

Another shitty printer? Hell, I can relate

Another shitty printer? Hell,
I can relate  Upvoting Obama

Fuck it, I laughed upvote for you

Fuck it, I laughed upvote for you  Upvoting Obama

Chuck Norris Video Game? fuck Yeah.

Chuck Norris Video Game? fuck Yeah.    Upvoting Obama

dumb donald and mush mouth? fuck it, have an upvote.

dumb donald and
mush mouth? fuck it, have an upvote.  Upvoting Obama

Cake day post without mentioning cake day? Fuck it. Have an upvote

Cake day post without mentioning cake day? Fuck it.  Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

st. patrick mah nigga

st. patrick mah nigga  Upvoting Obama

Using Barca for the soccer team and barna for the city? Fuck it. have an upvote

Using Barca for the soccer team 
and barna for the city? Fuck it. have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

Boobs in your post? fuck it. have an upvote

Boobs in your post? fuck it. have an upvote  Upvoting Obama
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