Upvoting Obama

Dog with a headset on? Fuck it, Upvote

Dog with a headset on? Fuck it,
Upvote  Upvoting Obama

Free Reddit Gold? Fuck it. Have an upvote

Free Reddit Gold? Fuck it.  Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

I have no idea what your meme references fuck it, the picture made me smile, have an upvote!

I have no idea what your meme references fuck it, the picture made me smile, have an upvote!  Upvoting Obama

You replied to my AskReddit Question? Fuck it. Have an upvote

You replied to my AskReddit Question? Fuck it. Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

League of Legends rule 34? Fuck it have an upvote but mabey put it on r/rule34lol so other ecchi users dont get mad.

League of Legends rule 34? Fuck it have an upvote but mabey put it on r/rule34lol so other ecchi users dont get mad.  Upvoting Obama

Fuck it have an upvote

Fuck it have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

Used "le" in a rage comic? Fuck it, It was still funny.


Accidentally click on 2 girls 1 stream Fuck it, These girls are gorgeous

Accidentally click on 2 girls 1 stream  Fuck it,
These girls are gorgeous  Upvoting Obama

what a funny username fuck it, get un upvote

what a funny username fuck it, get un upvote  Upvoting Obama

Joke about the pope? fuck it, have an upvote

Joke about the pope? fuck it, have an upvote  Upvoting Obama
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