Upvoting Obama

Neil deGrasse tyson? You bet your ass I'll upvote that guy!

Neil deGrasse tyson? You bet your ass I'll
upvote that guy!  Upvoting Obama

Your pet makes a derpy face? Here's to that goofy bastard

Your pet makes a derpy face? Here's to that goofy bastard  Upvoting Obama

Horror and boobs an upvote for every boob i see

Horror and boobs an upvote for every boob i see  Upvoting Obama

You commented on one of my posts? Fuck it. Have an upvote

You commented on one of my posts? Fuck it.  Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

You acknowledged my cakeday when it wasn't in the title. Fuck it. Have an upvote

You acknowledged my cakeday when it wasn't in the title. Fuck it.  Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

downvote? Fuck it, at least someone is paying attention

 downvote? Fuck it,
at least someone is paying attention  Upvoting Obama

Hot Canadian Lesbians? i'll drink to that

Hot Canadian Lesbians? i'll drink to that  Upvoting Obama

Your post is not about r/Atheism? Fuck it, have an upvote.

Your post is not about r/Atheism? Fuck it, have an upvote.  Upvoting Obama

Just Killed Osoma Fuck it, Let's have a beer

Just Killed Osoma Fuck it,
Let's have a beer  Upvoting Obama

Another me-me of me? Fuck it, I love me

Another me-me of me? Fuck it, I love me  Upvoting Obama
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