Upvoting Obama

Not a Chris Brown meme? Have an upvote!

Not a Chris Brown meme? Have an upvote!  Upvoting Obama

making fun of how unfunny it is to browse /new funny

making fun of how unfunny it is to browse /new funny  Upvoting Obama

Halo at MLG? I'll give an up vote to that

Halo at MLG? I'll give an up vote to that  Upvoting Obama

post about my country fuck it, upvote

post about my country fuck it, upvote  Upvoting Obama

More cats on Reddit? Fuck it, they're cute.

More cats on Reddit? Fuck it, they're cute.  Upvoting Obama

another drunk baby? Fuck it, I love that guy

another drunk baby? Fuck it,
I love that guy  Upvoting Obama

Karma whore? Hell, let them have their only pleasure

Karma whore? Hell, let them have their only pleasure  Upvoting Obama

Nicki Minaj comes on the radio? Fuck it, it's catchy

Nicki Minaj comes on the radio? Fuck it, it's catchy  Upvoting Obama

You uploaded a link before i did Fuck it. Have an upvote

You uploaded a link before i did Fuck it.  Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

Rick perry is getting trolled by women because he lost federal funding for health care for low income women? fuck it, he deserves it for being a douche about planned parenthood and what it actually does

Rick perry is getting trolled by women because he lost federal funding for health care for low income women? fuck it, he deserves it for being a douche about planned parenthood and what it actually does  Upvoting Obama
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