Upvoting Obama

another beer after drinking a case? i'll have another beer

another beer after drinking a case? i'll have another beer  Upvoting Obama

Awful use of a meme? Fuck it, go state!

Awful use of a meme? Fuck it, go state!  Upvoting Obama

You didn't post about the Red Bull stratos' fuck it, have an up-vote

You didn't post about the Red Bull stratos' fuck it, have an up-vote  Upvoting Obama

Another Downvoting roman meme? Fuck it, I love that guy

Another Downvoting roman meme? Fuck it,
I love that guy  Upvoting Obama

that's one boring title saved by one awesome gif

that's one boring title  saved by one awesome gif   Upvoting Obama

Almost every McKayla meme is terrible Fuck It, She's Hot

Almost every McKayla meme is terrible Fuck It, She's Hot  Upvoting Obama

your post makes a big lebowski reference Fuck it. Have an upvote

your post makes a big lebowski reference Fuck it.  Have an upvote  Upvoting Obama

another weed meme? Fuck it, It's funny. Have a Like

another weed meme? Fuck it, It's funny. 
Have a Like  Upvoting Obama

another hair style post? Fuck it, that's pretty cool

another hair style post? Fuck it,
that's pretty cool  Upvoting Obama

You posted a picture of a face swap? Fuck it, It looks creepy

You posted a picture of a face swap?
 Fuck it,
It looks creepy  Upvoting Obama
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