Unsuccessful white guy

I was rolling in the dough until Pizza Hut fired me

I was rolling in the dough until Pizza Hut fired me  Unsuccessful white guy

i love a sexy girl and a pancake butt with big boobs

i love a sexy girl  and a pancake butt with big boobs  Unsuccessful white guy

My target market is whoever takes double coupons

My target market is whoever takes double coupons  Unsuccessful white guy

I have stock to put on the shelves

I have stock to put on the shelves  Unsuccessful white guy

I just got a raise on my basic income grant

I just got a raise on my basic income grant  Unsuccessful white guy

I drive a benz -ene powered moped

I drive a benz -ene powered moped  Unsuccessful white guy

I just graduated from Devry

I just graduated from Devry  Unsuccessful white guy

I can work from home Depot

I can work from home Depot  Unsuccessful white guy

I'm up to my elbows in dough from working as a cook at this pizza shop for minimum wage

I'm up to my elbows in dough from working as a cook at this pizza shop for minimum wage  Unsuccessful white guy

I just gotta raise some rent money so i don't get evicted

I just gotta raise some rent money so i don't get evicted  Unsuccessful white guy
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