Unsuccessful white guy

Make fun of people's cultures Have no culture of my own

Make fun of people's cultures Have no culture of my own  Unsuccessful white guy

Have a good house, job, family, friends, food Clinically depressed

Have a good house, job, family, friends, food Clinically depressed  Unsuccessful white guy

Graduated magna cum-laude from devri

Graduated magna cum-laude from devri   Unsuccessful white guy

Like a Boss!! Oh wait, I am the boss.

Like a Boss!! Oh wait, I am the boss.  Unsuccessful white guy

see spanish man on street look at that mexican Caption 3 goes here

see spanish man on street look at that mexican Caption 3 goes here  Unsuccessful white guy

ew those tribal people live like savages i love camping btw

ew those tribal people live like savages i love camping btw  Unsuccessful white guy

Get pulled over verbal warning

Get pulled over verbal warning  Unsuccessful white guy

"white people have made every meaningful contribution to society" 25 years old, lives in parents' basement

in copy room all day now secretary has problems walking

in copy room all day now secretary has problems walking  Unsuccessful white guy

Black People do too much drugs Smoke weed all day

Black People do too much drugs Smoke weed all day  Unsuccessful white guy
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