Unsuccessful white guy

Take the piss out of me I'll still be white in the morning.

Take the piss out of me I'll still be white in the morning.  Unsuccessful white guy

Mock everyone's culture Have no culture of my own

Mock everyone's culture Have no culture of my own  Unsuccessful white guy

Have a good house, job, family, friends, food Clinically Depressed

Have a good house, job, family, friends, food Clinically Depressed  Unsuccessful white guy

what a cute little boy I will molest him

what a cute little boy   I will molest him   Unsuccessful white guy

Earn $2000 a week working up north in the mines Spend it all on SS ute and coke

Earn $2000 a week working up north in the mines Spend it all on SS ute and coke  Unsuccessful white guy

I have my own butler t-shirt that some college kid gave me.

I have my own butler t-shirt that some college kid gave me.  Unsuccessful white guy

Sit down to watch TV Have to get up to get remote

Sit down to watch TV Have to get up to get remote  Unsuccessful white guy

"i love me some southern soul food." Buys groceries at Whole Foods.

took action after finding out wife was cheating sold great grandfather's watch to buy her an expensive gift and promised to be a better husband

took action after finding out wife was cheating sold great grandfather's watch to buy her an expensive gift and promised to be a better husband  Unsuccessful white guy

i love pizza, butter chicken, kababs, sushi... i hate weird foreign foods

i love pizza, butter chicken, kababs, sushi... i hate weird foreign foods  Unsuccessful white guy
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