Unsuccessful white guy

blast rap music in car turn it down when I see a black person

blast rap music in car turn it down when I see a black person  Unsuccessful white guy

Claim master race Hair thinning at 17

Claim master race Hair thinning at 17  Unsuccessful white guy

I just got a new suit Filed against me by my ex-wife

I just got a new suit Filed against me by my ex-wife  Unsuccessful white guy

approaching group of black guys as i walk slowly tense muscles and prepare for fight to the death

approaching group of black guys as i walk slowly tense muscles and prepare for fight to the death  Unsuccessful white guy

Venti Extra Hot Soy Caramel Machiatto With and Extra Shot No Whip!

Venti Extra Hot
Soy Caramel Machiatto
With and Extra Shot No Whip!  Unsuccessful white guy

I discovered my dream job had been outsourced to India

I discovered my dream job had been outsourced to India  Unsuccessful white guy

Asians are more successful at everything At least my penis is 0.1" longer

Asians are more successful at everything At least my penis is 0.1

black people are crazy watches "jackass"

black people are crazy watches

I have a black friend On the internet

I have a black friend On the internet  Unsuccessful white guy

Picked up an 8 ball Shit was all cut

Picked up an 8 ball Shit was all cut  Unsuccessful white guy
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