Unhelpful High School Teacher

wears low cut shirt every day to teach gets mad at male students for making bad grades

wears low cut shirt every day to teach gets mad at male students for making bad grades  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Teaches AP Statistics Doesn't know how to curve tests

Teaches AP Statistics Doesn't know how to curve tests  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Puts opinion question on test any answer but her opinion is wrong

Puts opinion question on test any answer but her opinion is wrong  Unhelpful High School Teacher

get every answer right on the test still gives you an F because you "didn't show your steps"

get every answer right on the test still gives you an F because you

asks you to stay after class Brazzers episode doesn't happen

asks you to stay after class Brazzers episode doesn't happen  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Now i know finals aren't until high school but lets have one in 8th grade to prepare

Now i know finals aren't until high school but lets have one in 8th grade to prepare  Unhelpful High School Teacher

is hot doesn't have nudes

is hot doesn't have nudes  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I'm your new principal

 I'm your new principal  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Out of class for a day Makes notebook require double the amount of work in it

Out of class for a day Makes notebook require double the amount of work in it  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Gives your coursework essay back a month after handing it in, completely unmarked 'I thought you'd all benefit from comparing with each other'

Gives your coursework essay back a month after handing it in, completely unmarked 'I thought you'd all benefit from comparing with each other'  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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