Unhelpful High School Teacher

you have to buy the $150 text book in order to pass we're going to use it for an assignment later on in the course

you have to buy the $150 text book in order to pass we're going to use it for an assignment later on in the course  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Assigns 30 page report Due in 2 weeks

Assigns 30 page report Due in 2 weeks   Unhelpful High School Teacher

is a Spanish substitute DOESN'T SPEAK SPANISH

is a Spanish substitute  DOESN'T SPEAK SPANISH  Unhelpful High School Teacher

i take full responsibility for not grading ASSIGNMENTS on time but its okay, i'm preparing you for the college class your not taking!

i take full responsibility for not grading ASSIGNMENTS on time but its okay, i'm preparing you for the college class your not taking!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Won't let you leave one minute early On last day of school

Won't let you leave one minute early On last day of school  Unhelpful High School Teacher

gave a lecture for the exam everything she said did not came out in the exam

gave a lecture for the exam everything she said did not came out in the exam  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I won't be on campus So drop your papers off on campus

I won't be on campus So drop your papers off on campus  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I am only grading the front hands it out backwards

I am only grading the front hands it out backwards  Unhelpful High School Teacher

You are visually impaired? Tough! *writes even smaller onto blackboard*

You are visually impaired? Tough!
*writes even smaller onto blackboard*  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"I've been up all night grading, lol so tired" "here's a pop quiz!"

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