Unhelpful High School Teacher

You guys did well on the test, mostly a's and b's Highest grade in class: 83

You guys did well on the test, mostly a's and b's Highest grade in class: 83  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Claire Rhee

Claire Rhee  Unhelpful High School Teacher

"I'm not going to waste your time reading the whole thing to you" Reads the whole thing to you

"I only have 40 minutes a day to teach the class" Spends 30 minutes complaining about length of class

Inturder with gun? pretend we're not here

Inturder with gun? pretend we're not here  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Uses large bag of M&M's to demonstrate probability It's fucking empty

Uses large bag of M&M's to demonstrate probability It's fucking empty  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Writes comments all over your work handwriting is completely illegible

Writes comments all
over your work handwriting is 
completely illegible  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Christmas break? More time to do homework!

Christmas break? More time to do homework!  Unhelpful High School Teacher

I'm sure you're all excited for christmas break. By the way, your final is on saturday

I'm sure you're all excited for christmas break. By the way, your final is on saturday  Unhelpful High School Teacher

   Unhelpful High School Teacher
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