Unhelpful High School Teacher

Kid leaves door open after bathroom break What is this? A barn?

Kid leaves door open after bathroom break What is this? A barn?  Unhelpful High School Teacher

The bell doesn't dismiss you, i do.

The bell doesn't dismiss you, i do.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

gives extra credit while you're at a funeral "this was for students who cared enough to come to class"

gives extra credit
while you're at a funeral

"Ms. Jones, how do I work this problem?" "I don't know, the answer key's at my desk."

Asks a question, only picks on kids not raising their hands.

Asks a question, only picks on kids not raising their hands.  Unhelpful High School Teacher

if you ever need tutoring... *Come in at 6:00am on a holiday in october and we can make a tutoring appointment *not gananteed to help what so ever

if you ever need tutoring...  *Come in at 6:00am on a holiday in october and we can make a tutoring appointment 

*not gananteed to help what so ever  Unhelpful High School Teacher

tells you that showing your work is 60% of your grade gives you 40% for no work and correct answer 0% for wrong answer but showing all work

tells you that showing your work is 60% of your grade gives you 40% for no work and correct answer 0% for wrong answer but showing all work  Unhelpful High School Teacher

stop packing your bags there's still five seconds of class left

stop packing your bags there's still five seconds of class left  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Theres a pop quiz tomarrow Don't forget to study

Theres a pop quiz tomarrow Don't forget to study  Unhelpful High School Teacher

Forgot to put units at the end? WHOLE QUESTION IS WRONG.

Forgot to put units at the end? WHOLE QUESTION IS WRONG.  Unhelpful High School Teacher
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